Hollywood Reporter on The Mummy Previs

The Hollywood Reporter spoke to Ron Frankel and I about the work Proof did on The Mummy for the Zero-G sequence. Of course there was even more impressive work we did than just this sequence. I’d like to add that although the LA office kicked off the project, this was largely done by the talented Proof crew in the UK. This was an exciting project to be a part of. I saw the film in IMAX 3D and it’s a lot of fun! Read the full article here: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/mummy-behind-scenes-zero-g-stunt-1011921

Divergent – Trailer shots

I worked on Divergent very briefly at Third Floor as a Shot Creator (or Previs Artist), and I’m stunned to discover that a couple of shots from my sequence made it into the trailer. They’ve probably been revised a million times since I touched them, so I won’t get too excited. That’s what happens when you’re not the last man standing on a project… plus of course they can always shoot it differently on the day. But still… I wasn’t paying attention in the cinema, then suddenly I realized I was looking at some very familiar shots. I almost dropped my popcorn!