The Devils Team – Where did they go from here?

Since they worked on ‘Devils, Angels and Dating‘, where have the team moved onto? I was recently asked what I’d say to a University aged version of me if I could, and one of the top tips I’d give is to keep working on personal projects in your free time to compliment your day job. This ensures that your portfolio grows (even when the work you get paid for is canned, or kept from the public for years). One fantastic way to do that is to work on short films, and it’s something I wish I’d gotten into much earlier. While directing your own film can be a bit of overkill, contributing to other projects is a much more manageable way to get motivated to do something new for your portfolio. I’m really fortunate to have had some great talents pass through my little project over the years but I thought it was important to show where those talents moved onto afterwards. We can’t assume that their work on Devils was entirely to credit for these opportunities, but no-doubt it formed part of a broader body of strong work from each artist. Here’s a condensed list of some of the […]